If you fail to give your multi-family building’s roofing the attention it deserves, small problems can become huge issues. What could once have been typical maintenance can become a full-scale repair. What once could have been a regular repair can turn into a complete roof replacement. Luckily, there’s a simple solution.
MHI Roofing offers professional multi-family commercial roofing solutions in Morgantown. We offer roofing solutions for HOA and CIC communities like condominiums, apartments, townhomes, duplexes and other multi-family properties. Whether your community needs regularly scheduled maintenance or a full roof replacement, our expert staff is ready and willing to tackle the job.
With decades of experience in the commercial roofing industry, we’ve fixed roofing leaks, dealt with multi-family storm damage, and handled a plethora of other roofing problems. If you’re looking for a surefire Morgantown multi-family roofing solution, you’ve come to the right place. Our team can handle it all.
When you work with MHI Roofing, you’re collaborating with a roofing company that exceeds expectations with every project. Our dedicated multi-family roofing team can handle all aspects of these large jobs, including project management, inspecting, insurance claim assistance, and more.
As a company, we’re passionate about building a relationship with multi-family complexes and development companies. We understand that a relationship begins with upholding high standards of trust. We do this by offering the dedicated services and communication you require with every roofing project.
Want to extend the life of your multi-family roof? Add 10 to 20 years of healthy life to your roof when you apply a commercial roof coating. Expect quality craftsmanship and the best customer service in the industry. Get in touch with our staff at MHI Roofing today!
We focus on three primary types of asphalt shingle roofs in Morgantown, WV: three-tab shingles, architectural shingles, and luxury or premium materials. Let’s dive into the benefits of each of these options.
3-tab asphalt shingles are likely what you think of when you imagine an asphalt shingle roof. This traditional roofing material is tried-and-true for a reason.
Architectural shingles last longer than their 3-tab counterparts and have more versatility when it comes to appearance.
If you’re truly on the hunt for something special or want an asphalt shingle roof in Morgantown that mimics the look of cedar shakes or slate shingles, these premium materials may be the best option for you.
You’ll need to consider your priorities when choosing which type of asphalt shingle to get. We recommend asking yourself these questions:
No matter what you decide, the pros at MHI Roofing are happy to help. Contact us today for a free roofing inspection!