
solar roof installation in Morgantown

What Will I Pay for a Solar Roof in Pittsburgh?

When you think of solar roofs, you probably think of big, bulky solar panels. Less than a decade ago, that was your only option. But now, you have another choice. At MHI Roofing, our roofing experts use photovoltaic tiles, which mimic the design of a regular roof. Your neighbors won’t be able to tell that your roof is any different and it will blend in with your Pittsburgh home’s current style.

solar roofing, solar roof installation, Morgantown

Pittsburgh Solar Roofing Cost

In Pittsburgh, the starting cost of photovoltaic tile is about $21 per square foot. The final cost will depend on the size of your roof and the materials you select. When considering installing a solar roof, its size will be determined by a few key factors, such as where you live, the characteristics of your roof, and your current energy use.

The price of your solar roof can change depending on a number of factors, including those listed below.

Roof Complexity

You may notice variations in installation prices depending on your roof’s complexity. Grouped into simple, intermediate, and complex, the classification is intended to reflect the difficulty of installing a new roof onto your home. Though your roof may not meet all the criteria of a given category, in general:

A simple roof is a single level with a low pitch and few obstructions
An intermediate roof is multi-level with a higher pitch and more obstructions
A complex roof is multi-level with a steep pitch and many obstructions

Though there is no known set rate of increase between classifications, based on our hypothetical estimates using the Solar Roof calculator, you can expect a difference anywhere between $5,000 to $10,000 between each level.

Roof Replacement

The Solar Roof is meant to be installed on top of a single-layer 3-tab asphalt or composition shingle roof that is less than 20 years old. For any other roofing material, or on any buildings more complex, the roof must be replaced entirely. At its cheapest, requiring a roof replacement will add between $10,000 to $15,000 to your total.

Additional Costs and Upgrades

solar roofing, solar roof installation, Morgantown

Depending on the current infrastructure present in your home, it may be necessary to perform additional upgrades during installation. This includes services such as extra electrical work or the installation of a Solar Roof on a shed or deck. Prices are quoted directly to you upon inspection, but it is important to note that they are not included in the Solar Roof calculator estimate.


Federal or state-level incentives may deduct a significant amount from your final bill. The Solar Roof calculator helpfully factors in these incentives, which you can find on our website. While incentives vary at the state level, any roof installed on a residential building from 2020 to 2023 can expect a 26% Federal Tax Credit.


A Solar Roof may take a while to install. You can purchase your Solar Roof directly from us, then we’ll work with you to design a Solar Roof system specifically for your house, using the information you provide and satellite imagery.

Then, any authorizations or permits that must be granted have to be approved. After that, installation of the roof will take place, followed by a necessary inspection from local authorities and then the final connection of the system to your utility grid. The exact timeline and requirements for finishing any of these steps will vary depending on a number of factors. This includes but is not limited to, your location, the number of third parties that must be involved, and the weather.

Is It Worth It to Get a Solar Roof?

If you’re willing to pay the high price point, need to replace your roof, and like the idea and sleek aesthetic of photovoltaic tiles, it may be worth getting a Solar Roof. Otherwise, more traditional solar panel systems may make more financial sense while still increasing your home’s energy efficiency.

If you are ready to experience what solar roofing can do for your Pittsburgh home, contact the MHI Roofing team today!

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