How Do You Know If You Need a Roof Replacement?

How Do You Know If You Need a Roof Replacement

You will eventually need to replace your roof, just like any component of your house. It is a common mistake among homeowners to only pay attention to their roofs once leaks occur. However, by then, the damage has likely spread. By knowing which signs to look out for, you can avoid costly repairs for water […]

How Do Asphalt Shingle Cracking and Splitting Differ?

How Do Asphalt Shingle Cracking and Splitting Differ

Among the most common problems asphalt shingle roofs experience are cracking and splitting. Addressing these issues as soon as detected can help delay the need for a roofing replacement. Moreover, failing to deal with both of these issues can cause water damage to your roof’s sheathing.  Continue reading to learn the difference between asphalt shingle cracking […]

The Common Problems That Cause Premature Roof Failure

As a homeowner, you need to understand how your roof plays a big role in keeping your home safe and secure from the usual weather elements. A roof can last well beyond its expected lifespan with proper care and maintenance by a trusted roof repair contractor, yet some still fail prematurely.   Why does this happen to […]

Why Consider Replacing Your Roof in Spring?

As the warmer seasons approach, more and more people are starting to plan their home improvement projects. Roof repairing and replacement are just some of the things you should consider completing this spring. A new roof will improve the look of your exterior and your home’s protection against harsh weather conditions. 

What Are Asphalt Roofing Granules and What Do They Do?

Asphalt shingles remain the most popular residential roofing option in the U.S. They come in a wide selection of colors and styles. These shingles embedded with granules, which is its most visible part. Granules are not just there to make your roof more appealing but also give it protection against the elements. 

Simple Things That Can Help Extend the Life of Your Roof

With proper care, you can delay the need for a roofing replacement. Simply dedicating a few hours of your day to do simple tasks will go a long way in extending the lifespan of your roof. Keep in mind that regular maintenance helps in detecting problems while they are small, helping you avoid costly repairs.  Here […]

A Quick Guide On Roof Fire Ratings

A Quick Guide On Roof Fire Ratings

When it comes to roof repair and replacement, you might be considering an unrated material to cut costs. However, an unrated roof means it doesn’t even pass the requirements for the lowest rated materials, which means it will hardly give any fire resistance. These types of roofing materials are usually not accommodated by building codes, which is […]

Is It a Good Idea to Remove the Snow From Your Roof?

A home with a snow-covered roof may look holiday postcard-perfect, but leaving it that way can lead to a number of issues later on. So when homeowners ask if it’s actually a good idea to clear the snow off their roof, the short answer is, “YES.” In fact, it’s not a choice but a necessity. […]

3 Ways Attic Insulation Improve Your Roof’s Performance

3 Ways Attic Insulation Improve Your Roof’s Performance

You probably already know just how important attic ventilation is in keeping your roofing system in good shape. But proper ventilation is not the only essential your attic should have. To further improve the performance of your roofing system, you’ll need to take attic insulation into account, as well. MHI Roofing, one of the trusted roofing […]

What Lesser Known Questions Should You Ask Your Roofer?

One of the simplest and most effective ways to narrow down prospective roofing contractors is by interviewing them. By asking crucial things and noting how they answer them, you’ll gain a clearer idea of what your experience will be like with a given company. But you can actually make the selection process even easier by throwing […]