How Can Roof Inspections Save You Money?

How Can Roof Inspections Save You Money

Roof inspections are conducted by homeowners, and are supposed to complement the scheduled maintenance conducted by roofing contractors. In today’s post, the local roofing contractors at Meredith Home Improvements how conducting regular roof inspections can result in savings. 

How Can Roof Inspections Save You Money


Why Should You Conduct Roofing Inspections?

Scheduled roof inspections are conducted by roofing contractors every three to five years, and are needed to keep the roof in good shape. Most roofing manufacturers count maintenance as one of the requirements for keeping their warranty coverage active. These appointments are typically booked shortly before they’re needed, but some roofing contractors offer maintenance agreements that basically pre-book all maintenance appointments during the roof’s lifetime.

Roof inspections are essential because the roofs are continuously exposed to wear; anything can happen in the years between maintenance appointments, from hail damage to moisture damage to the attic insulation. The objective of roof inspections is to visually assess the roof’s condition and call for repairs when problems are found, and not wait for the next maintenance appointment.

How to Inspect Your Roof

The best part about roof inspections is that they won’t take much time nor put your safety at risk. All you need is a pair of binoculars and a pen and paper to record your observations. From your yard, train your binoculars on the roof and inspect every inch of the surface, ideally from multiple angles. Keep an eye out for signs of damage and wear, as well as missing parts. If you have a drone-mounted high-resolution camera, you can use this to record your inspection and forward the video to your roofing contractor.

Do Roof Inspections Result in Savings?

Roofing wear is inevitable and you’ll need to spend money for its upkeep sooner or later. Some homeowners don’t think about their roofs until they start leaking. Roofing leaks are merely symptoms of bigger roofing problems, and repair costs are almost always higher compared to the cumulative costs of regular maintenance appointments.

Severely damaged roofs can also affect your home’s energy efficiency. Holes in the roof and gaps in the insulation will allow thermal transfer, which can increase your indoor heating and cooling requirements and, consequently, your utility bills. Keeping your roof in good condition can, therefore, result in savings in your energy costs.

Meredith Home Improvements is your leading provider of roofing and gutter installation services. Give us a call at (412) 831-9991. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.


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