
MHI Roofing in Pittsburgh, PA

40 Year Anniversary Roofing Discount

Meredith Home Improvements would like to thank everyone that has worked with us throughout the years! As 2019 arrives, it marks a huge accomplishment for our company as a whole. We have been in business as of 2019, for 45 years! Our dedication to superior craftsmanship and customer service has allowed our company to help so many households throughout the entire Greater Pittsburgh PA area for a long time!

As we celebrate our 40th year anniversary, we’d also like to offer a limited-time promotion!

Until the end of March, we are offering a discount off a full roof replacement! Just be sure to ask your estimator for details.

Give us a call and ask about our 40th year anniversary roofing discount to save yourself some money.

Discounted Full Roof Replacement
*Exp. 3/31/2019
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